The course is the most direct route to the high alpine, it is steep, but intuitive, you will be pushing hard for the summit, putting yourself to your capacity, lungs, grit, and strength. Please note, we will have the course well marked, it is imperative, for your safety, you follow precise path of flagging.  Please follow all course marshall directives.  Please be prepared to slow down, pay close attention to your footwork and if you kick a rock loose, immediately yell 'rock' to notify fellow competitors you have kicked a rock loose. If you are further down the course and you hear, "rock!", please do not look up, please turn your back and protect your head. We have instituted a No Pass Zone in the ropes on Center Ridge ascent. Three spots on Center Ridge have ropes.  Careful footwork, look out for the safety of yourself and fellow competitors equally.

**Course subject to be adjusted as necessary

**Every competitor must inspect full course prior to race day

**Every competitor is subject to a strict cut-off time, at beginning of Center Ridge, of 50 minutes

**Race start will be released in three waves

RACE category averages:

Sport Registrations:  58% of runners

Expert Registrations: 36% of runners

Pro Registrations: 6% of runners